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Anticipating an infection during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a vulnerable time for both mother and fetus, including the risk of infection. It is important to know the frequent pregnancy infections and how to prevent them, so that pregnant women can get through the pregnancy smoothly and give birth to healthy babies. Some types of infections are more prone to occur in pregnancy, and pregnancy itself can make certain infections worse. Especially if the condition is not treated immediately.

Pregnancy infections that often occur

The following are some common infections that can attack women during pregnancy:
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

  • UTIs are common during pregnancy, this is because hormonal conditions during pregnancy cause changes in the urinary tract and make you more susceptible to infection. UTIs occur when bacteria invade the urinary system consisting of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. There are two types of UTI, namely UTI below and above. Lower UTI is an infection that occurs in the urethra and bladder, characterized by symptoms of feeling of wanting to urinate, pain or tenderness during urination, cloudy urine color, and pungent urine odor. Whereas UTI above is an infection that occurs in the ureters and kidneys, with symptoms of pain in the groin, nausea, and fever. If not treated immediately, UTIs in pregnancy can cause infection in the kidneys and end in premature birth. To deal with UTI, antibiotics and paracetamol are generally needed to relieve pain. Always consult with a doctor before pregnant women take drugs.
  • Bacterial vaginosis

  • Bacterial Vaginosis or Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) occurs due to disruption of the bacterial balance in the vagina. Although it does not cause pain or itching, BV causes vaginal discharge and vaginal odor. BV is generally harmless, but if it is experienced by a woman who is pregnant, this infection has the risk of causing complications in pregnancy, such as miscarriage or premature birth. Although the possibility of these complications is not large, but if the vagina releases a lot of fluid, you should immediately see a gynecologist.
  • Fungal Infection

  • Fungal vaginitis infection arises when the natural condition of the vagina is disturbed by internal or external factors, thereby triggering excessive fungal growth. Fungal infections often occur in pregnant women due to hormonal changes that affect the condition of the vagina. Women affected by this type of pregnancy infection usually experience vaginal discharge and itching in the intimate organs. Generally this condition can be overcome by using antifungal creams. In addition, there are also antifungal types of suppositories that are inserted into the vagina.
  • Toxoplasmosis

  • Toxoplasmosis caused by Toxoplasma infection. This parasite is transmitted from pet feces, especially cats. Women who have been exposed to Toxoplasma before pregnancy have formed antibodies to fight the parasite. However, women who have never been exposed do not have immunity against this parasite. Toxoplasma infection during pregnancy has the potential to cause blindness and damage to the baby's brain. Therefore, avoid contact with animal feces during pregnancy and always make sure the food you eat is cooked until cooked.
  • Group B Streptococcus Infection (SGB)

  • Some people have the group B Streptococcus bacteria (SGB) in their bodies. In general, these bacteria are harmless and do not cause disease, as well as during pregnancy. Even so, sometimes SGB can cause infection in infants before or during labor. If your baby has a previous SGB infection in a previous pregnancy, the doctor will recommend that you take antibiotics to prevent the baby to be born from having the same infection during labor. Likewise if you suffer from a bladder infection by SGB, antibiotics need to be given while giving birth. Babies have a higher risk for SGB infection if pregnant women experience fever during labor, give birth prematurely, or premature rupture of membranes.
  • Rubella

  • Rubella or German measles is very dangerous for pregnant women and babies in the womb, especially if it occurs early in pregnancy or the first trimester. Pregnant women affected by rubella have the potential to miscarry. In addition, rubella can interfere with the development of various organs and parts of the baby's body in the womb. Abnormalities that may be experienced by infants are skin rashes, cataracts, heart damage, intellectual disorders, deafness, liver damage, and spleen damage.
If you plan to become pregnant, it is recommended to get MR (Measles-Rubella) immunization to avoid rubella infection. However, make sure the MR vaccine is given at least 4 weeks before pregnancy occurs, and should not be given while being pregnant. Pregnancy infections do not always have serious effects, but they should also not be taken lightly. Consult a doctor immediately if symptoms are disturbing or there is concern for the baby in the womb. In addition, always ask your doctor for recommendations about drugs used to treat the condition.


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