Pregnancy is a vulnerable time for both mother and fetus, including the risk of infection. It is important to know the frequent pregnancy infections and how to prevent them, so that pregnant women can get through the pregnancy smoothly and give birth to healthy babies. Some types of infections are more prone to occur in pregnancy, and pregnancy itself can make certain infections worse. Especially if the condition is not treated immediately. Pregnancy infections that often occur The following are some common infections that can attack women during pregnancy: Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) UTIs are common during pregnancy, this is because hormonal conditions during pregnancy cause changes in the urinary tract and make you more susceptible to infection. UTIs occur when bacteria invade the urinary system consisting of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. There are two types of UTI, namely UTI below and above. Lower UTI is an infection that occurs in the urethra and bladder, cha...
Tubectomy is the procedure of cutting or closing the fallopian tubes or ovaries that connect the ovaries to the uterus. After tubectomy, the egg cells will not be able to enter the uterus so they cannot be fertilized. This procedure will also prevent sperm from entering the fallopian tube. As a permanent birth control method, tubectomy has proven to be very effective, but it does not affect the menstrual cycle. This process can be done at any time, including after undergoing normal labor and caesarean delivery. Tubectomy Indications Tubectomy is one of the permanent methods to prevent pregnancy. Therefore, this procedure is only recommended for adult women who truly believe that they do not want to get pregnant. This process can also reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, especially in women over the age of 40, or who have a family history of ovarian cancer. Tubectomy Warning There are a number of factors that should be considered before a woman undergoes tubectomy. Some of them a...